Hi Quibbles!
On Suicide,
In my opinion, Death is one of the greatest fears for anyone younger than the age of 40. (After Spiders.. Cuz, yeah. Spiders) Because it is such a great fear I feel that it would be really hard for someone to bring themselves to killing themselves, but even so, it should be a well known, and well educated concern. In response to someone saying that they would kill themselves, I would most definitely tell someone, or call the insane-asylum, or something, because even if they were completely joking, hopefully the fear of humiliation of something like that would out-weigh the benefits of making someone do something.
[so yeah, call someone.]
PS. The national Suicide prevention line is 1-800-273-TALK
Now on cutting.
I'm not really sure what benefits cutting has, like what so ever. If someone told me that they cut, and prove it, I would seriously question their intelligence, but not feel bad for them. For everyone, there are much better ways to seek happiness, or fixing the problems that you have. Generally, I find it a dumb practice.
And so, I leave you with this post I've found online:
"I hate my body, I've got my blades, what do I do now?"
"Take the blade and go into the bathroom and take all your clothes off. Then stand up and look in the mirror. Just look for a second, even if you hate what you see. Then imagine your body covered in gashes, cuts, scars, and bruises. Imagine yourself months from now hiding your body, apologizing while you hurry to put your sleeves down when they slide up in class. Now back to normal, now which one do you prefer? Exactly. Put down the blade, put your clothes back on. Leave the bathroom. Call your best friend, or significant other and tell them you love them. and don't ever touch that damn razor again."
- Warbles