Oh. Well this is kind of like the Aladdin situation, isn't it? Aladdin's our fantastic hero saving emotionally trapped and oppressed Jasmine from her fate as a princess. Yet even he stoops so low as to steal food... although he makes it a little better by giving half to starving children. Disney, of course, makes the stealing scene very humorous, so until I read this question, even I gave it very little thought. Does that mean Aladdin is a bad person? Obviously not, he's against the villain, Jafar, and he gives food to starving children even though he needs it just as badly. But does that mean stealing is good?
I guess it's still not. If you look from the stealer's perspective, sure, if you have a reason for stealing, it's perfectly fine. Robin Hood stole from the rich and he's a hero. But if you look from the stealee's perspective, it's not as justifiable.
Even though Aladdin needed the food, the merchants needed it just as badly. Every apple or watermelon Aladdin stole, the merchant lost money he or she needed to keep his or her family alive. It's selfish to steal, and I guess that makes it immoral, no matter the circumstances.
Stealing is lowering. It dishonors one to be so desperate as to take from others. We are taught that we should deserve what we have, and we should work hard for it. Stealing destroys all that, and unfairly takes possessions from a rightful owner.
My final opinion is that no matter what reasons Aladdin, or Robin Hood, might have had to steal, stealing is unjustifiable and immoral.
- Quibbles 7/13/14
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