Wednesday, October 1, 2014

040 The Russian "Empire"

Hello Everyone!
So there is an issue with the 21st century world that I would like to talk about today. It is Russia. partially defines "Empire" as "usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom" Which would imply the annexing/taking over of other territories. So, by that definition, modern day Russia is an Empire. This is quite an issue, I'd like to know what the two of you think of it, and what we, as America, should do about it. (You can also state what you think we should do about ISIS/ISIL if you like)

To the Cow Problem: I disagree. In my opinion, the cause of the HIV epidemic in Africa is the education that its citizens are getting: between "absolutely none." We lived in Zambia (Africa) for about 10 years when I was little. They are constant fighters of the HIV/AIDS virus, and from what I recall, have never mentioned cows being the instigator of the whole HIV thing. I don't think Africa is as primitive as most people think: Africa is an expanding entrepreneurship, where its capitol society helps its development. It is very much advancing now, and in the future, hopefully it'll be a fully functional Developed Continent.

- Warbles

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