Monday, September 1, 2014

031 If you could put a near-perfect lie detector on your phone to flag any dishonesties, would you? If so, would you use it a lot or just for very specific conversations?

     I feel like I am a very trusting person, sometimes maybe overly trusting. One of my old friends used to blatantly lie about the most random things, and then tell me it was a lie, just for kicks. I was always very confused as to why this person would do this. That is, lie for no apparent reason, because I just don't see the pleasure in lying. Whenever I lie, or try to deceive people, on a big scale, perhaps, I always feel there's a weight on my shoulders when being untruthful. I only lie when I don't want others to be mad at me (triggering weight-on-shoulders scenario), or when I want to spare someone's feelings. Lying is only used when absolutely necessary, and I try to make them white lies when I can.

     This is the reason why I wouldn't use a lie detector on my phone. People trust me not to lie to them, and vice versa, because really, what reason do I have on a daily basis to lie to them? The only reason I wouldn't trust someone to tell me the truth is when they have told serious lies and I have caught them before. If I haven't discovered their lies, well haha, lucky them. Perhaps the only people I would want to use the lie detector on are the people that I don't trust, due to previous lying.

     I am not a cynical person, and I default on my belief that everything everyone says is the truth, unless proven untrue. Maybe it's a bit naive to think this way, but I like to think the best of people, in that they tell the truth. I can forgive a little white lie, such as telling me they can't hang out with me tonight because they have a bunch of homework, when they really are hanging out with another friend. I might have done the same in that situation, but I also would have completely understood if they told me the truth as well. However, if someone lies to me about something important, something they know is going to make me upset, and is going to turn into a big deal, that is where I draw the line. You only get a certain number of mistakes before you're out. Buh-bye, see ya. I try to be honest and respectful to everyone I meet, especially my friends and if that respect is not reciprocated, then I have no desire to further our relationship. It tells me that you don't care enough about me to be nice and civil, and that is not worth any of my time.

Okay, I got kind of overly worked up on this one, but if you'll excuse me :P ;)

What about you, Quibbles, are you more or less trusting than me when it comes to people telling the truth?

Love always,
- Nargles 9/01/14

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