Tuesday, September 30, 2014

038 Hajj vs. ISIS

Dear Nargles and Warbles,

Since it seems like you are very unwilling to respond to my posts, I am going to prod you with my virtual stick and ask you to discuss this.

How do you feel about the violence and anger of ISIS coinciding with the time Muslims take the hajj? (Please do not be offended if I say something wrong about Islam, my Muslim friends. Since I am agnostic, I'm probably not as educated in religion as I'd like. I mean no harm).

All Muslims take the hajj at some point in their lives, unless they aren't physically or financially capable. The hajj takes them to Mecca, and allows them to celebrate and commemorate Abraham, suffering, sacrifice, equality, and their religion. An important feature of the hajj is that everyone wears simple white clothing, so rich people look pretty much the same as the poor.

ISIS, of course, stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. ISIL, which is the same thing as ISIS but more technical, stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The Levant is an area in the Middle East. ISIS/ISIL is a group based off of al Qaeda, and are known to be extraordinarily cruel and brutal. ISIS/ISIL is lead by a man named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ISIS/ISIL is a huge threat and is affecting the entire world.
The Hajj

Here are links for more information:
Hajj vs. ISIS
The Hajj
ISIS Fast Facts

Look, I did the research for you, AND I gave you a quick lesson on the crisis in the Middle East. JUST POST A LITTLE, WILL YA????!??! THAT'S LITERALLY ALL I'M ASKING FOR.

Best wishes,

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