Monday, August 11, 2014

022.5 "If I Die Young" - The Band Perry

Dear Quibbles,
The explanation for this one is simple, people pity the dead and the dying. "Oh, that girl is dying, and her dying wish is to end world hunger. She's dying, it's so sad, I should just donate." Or... "Mr. Example is on his deathbed, the least I can do is check out his books and articles. Look at that, they're really good!" For humans, death is a big deal, and when it occurs, people pay attention, sadly perhaps even more than when the person was alive. It's really quite sad, but sometimes it's just the way it is. Some people are so much more famous when they're dead than when they were alive and that's just a shame.

"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living and above all, those who live without love."
~Albus Dumbledore

Love always,
- Nargles 8/13/14

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