Saturday, August 2, 2014

SHOUTOUT TO CANADIANS and Poland...ers? Polandians? Polandese???

HELLO CANADIAN READERS! and Polandish/ian/ese and American and South American and possibly Antarctican and Japanese and all you lovely countries out there,

I am very excited to see that we have 21 Canadian views today. Also, 3 Polandish/ian/ese views. Although we can't thank you in person, I'd just like to give a shoutout to international readers! Go you! You MATTER!!!! We love you so much.

Anyways, don't forget to subscribe and comment! We are looking forward to communicating with you!

AND IF YOU'RE AMERICAN AND READING THIS, WE LOVE YOU TOO! Frankly, we'll love anyone who reads these posts. It's so exciting to see that people actually CARE about our opinions. This is so great.

Also, Nargles will be away tomorrow to next Saturday to go to a Chinese Cultural Camp (do I capitalize that?), so say goodbye to my loyal co-writer!!

- Quibbles (and Nargles) 8/2/14

PS: Also, Tony (AND MACKENZIE), if you're out there, HOLLAAAA!!!!! Also I'd be interested to see your blog, which, as Mackenzie informs me, is about beer and running.....?? Speaking of which, NEVER STOP RUNNING!!! JUST KEEP RUNNING JUST KEEP RUNNING I love Dory, bye!!

Also, I just realized that the demonym for Poland is Polish. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future.

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