What would I do if the world ended in a year and only I knew? I have no freaking idea. It's such a hard choice to make. First, I see one very different decision you have to make right right off the bat. Who are you going to tell? The world, your friends and family, or no one? Personally, I would probably end up telling my family and friends. If I had it my way I wouldn't tell anybody, but I am really horrible at keeping secrets. I end up wanting to tell the person I'm keeping the secret from just to get the weight off my shoulders. The reason why I would not tell the world is thus: most people probably wouldn't believe me. I know I wouldn't believe some nutter claiming that the world is going to end in a year, not after December 21, 2012. This brings me to another question. How is it that I come about this insight that the world is going to end?!? It seems a little #sketch if you ask me. Did it come to me in a dream? Nah, I probably wouldn't believe it. Did some wise old sage tell me? Nope, wouldn't have believed them either. My grandmother?!? No, no, no, definitely not. I'm a very skeptical person when it comes to improbably things, such as the world spontaneously ending. Eh, whatever :P
Another reason why I would not tell the world about the apocalypse is because the whole fate thing again. I'm probably annoying the few consistent readers we've got out there, and sorry to bombard you with my beliefs, because that's not what this blog aims to accomplish, but yeah, I'm going to tell you again anyways. (#feelingsassy) I'm a big believer in fate, and if by some means I find out from some divine force or prophecy that the world is going to end in exactly one year from today, I would not tell the world because if I didn't know this, and if no one else knew this, life would proceed as normal, I don't want to mess anything up. What if because everyone believed what I'd said, cancer researchers abandoned their research months away from finding a cure? People would drop responsibilities out of fear or out of seeking last adventures. Of course, if the world ended we wouldn't need cancer researchers anymore because there would be no cancer. Okay, lets' just say that it's an apocalypSe and some people survive and some of them happen to have cancer, SO THEY NEED THE CURE, OKAY?!? (I'm sorry, I just got off ranting with Quibbles about how much we hate shipping prices, especially ETSY SHIPPING PRICES, WHICH ARE THE WORST) Also, reiterating the fact that no one would believe me. Then again, there are plenty of people who think the world is ending soon, and no one pays any attention to them but I guess one of them could be right.
Hmm, but it might be selfish of me to withhold this information from people because as I say in the paragraph below, if I knew I was going to die the next year, I'd drop everything and go look for some adventure. Maybe others would want that too. But I kind of strongly believe any logical person would not believe me, not even myself, someone claiming that the world is going to end for the umpteenth time. It could bring on a year long Esther day (by the way, Quibbles, we forgot to post for Esther day, so maybe we should write a belated one together or something. PS. I LOVE YU!!!!), spurring people to admit how they really feel towards one another before they die. Maybe even perhaps war would cease because fighting would become futile. All assuming they believed me. I'm being very pessimistic, I know, but I seriously think this approach is logical.
What do you think about this question, Quibbles?
First thing I would do if I knew I was going to die a year from now due to a heart attack? Quit school. I mean, school is only for the future, and if I don't have a future after next year, I really see no point. Second, get my passport in order and travel the world. I wouldn't even have to worry about expenses, because guess what? I'm not going to college!I'd go to India, and Africa, and Ireland, and the Netherlands, and China, and just about anywhere. And of course to Florida to swim with manatees. I'd really like to live a month or so in India, China, Mongolia or some place different from America. Some place where they have open air markets, festivals in the streets, and where the people lead simpler lives without internet, full of culture that doesn't include McDonalds. Basically, I'd pull a Walter Mitty and just head out into the world with a rough idea of where I'm going. "Hey! This place seems cool, let's go there!" I'm scared of doing these things too, but more scared that I'll never do them. I don't know about the future, but right now all I know about my perceivable future is that I don't want to be that shy nerdy girl that goes right into being a computer programmer and from the time she graduates college heads to an office job, sitting in a cubicle from 9am-5pm, Mondays through Fridays. Maybe this is a teenage thing, the whole wanderlust ideal, but who doesn't want to travel the world? I know a lot of people are satisfied with the office job, white picket fenced house, and kids, and eventually that does sound nice, but maybe not just yet.
Love always,
- Nargles 8/15/14
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