Wednesday, July 30, 2014

013.5 On a typical Sunday, 10,000 people visit the Louvre in Paris. If a wicked sorcerer threatened to vaporize all the museum’s visitors or all of its art, sparing one or the other based on your plea, which would you save? Assume the sorcerer will obliterate both the people and the art if you don’t choose.

Dear Quibbles,
I'm going to keep this one short and sweet because I 100% agree with what you have to say. There's no way the preservation of art is more important than human lives. There are definitely scores more people who would grieve for the lost human lives than the obliteration of the famous art. Personally I don't care too much about art, and like you said, there's always more artists that create more art.

A question for the future: Kill 1,000 people or 1,000 of your favorite animal? You must choose. (Note: If your favorite animal is endangered, you run the risk of driving them to extinction.)

Thanks for your consideration,

- Nargles 7/30/14

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